I am a citizen of the United States of America. I was born while my family lived in Maryland, but my birth certificate says Washington D.C., so I would say that makes me about as natural born as one could be in the U.S., I have never faltered in my love for this country, but as of late, my pride has waned, as I have witnessed leadership that has failed to help the majority of those who follow. In my opinion, the two major political parties in America could be boiled down to the following: One party says, and proposes ideas that are both crazy, harmful and destructive to our economy, society and people while the other party allows them to say, do and propose those harmful ideas and actions.
It is for this reason that I submit the petition below. I have grown weary, as I am sure most Americans have, of leaders who have failed to effectively and easily refute the craziness of the GOP: How could republicans get away with trying to repeal Obamacare 40 + times without addressing any other legislation? Personally, I would never follow a leader who couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time. . . figuratively. How did the Democrats allow Republicans get away with doing nothing, but fight over something they could not change. I digress however, for the point to be made here is that WE THE PEOPLE have had to endure bad leadership for too many years on both sides of the isle. In an attempt to rectify this situation, I propose we eliminate the worst of the bad leaders of which we are currently burdened. Let's start with the man who shut the Government down, then asked why the government was shut.
Senator Ted has cost our economy 24 billion dollars at a time when the American tax payer could scarcely afford such an expense. He is dangerous because he believes he is blameless in his futile attempt at a political coup and my fear is that he will NOT stop until he has reached an immoral end through immoral and unjust means. I feel we must start to oppose Ted Cruz now because he is raising money for whatever he has in mind for America's future. Whether this money goes to funding his ill-advices career or some other right winged candidate with zero solutions, we must stop him now.
Let's show Cruz's potential benefactors that their money would best serve a republican candidate who doesn't put his career before his country. Let's stop the CRUZade, so we can get a smart republican running for office who will force the Democratic Party to run a smart democratic candidate as well. In this way, the American people end up with the greater of two goods, as opposed to the lessor of two evils. Let's end Ted Cruz's career. Please read, sign and share this petition. bit.ly/FireTedCruz