I am a Democrat, because I believe that what the Democratic Party stands for, more closely aligns with my beliefs and my best interests. I also believe that those leading the Democratic Party, both nationally and locally no longer represent the values and beliefs of the Democratic Party.
This is why someone like Donald Trump can rise to prominence: While the Republican Party says and does crazy Sh%t, the Democratic Party watches the Republican say and do crazy Sh%t, so much so that the only demographic truly represented in the United States these days are the rich. As proof of this statement, I offer the old adage, “Government moves slow.” It doesn’t seem to move so slow when it comes to the desires of the rich: Tax loopholes for wealthy individuals and corporations seem easy enough to get, while Civil Right, something the people already had gotten gutted fairly quickly.
There just seems to be a plethora of ways to help the rich get richer, the racists get racier, but few ways to help the poor, our vets and even the 911, first responders.
There are however, solutions that would help the majority of Americans. As proof of this, I offer one of my own in the following petition that proves that we shouldn’t believe the hype about “Job Creators”: petitions.moveon.org/...